Radio Slovenia Second Channel - VAL202



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Radio Slovenija 2 - Drugi program - VAL 202
Tavčarjeva 17, SI-1550 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 475 2202
Managed byRadio Slovenia

VAL202, the Second Channel of Radio Slovenia, is broadcast via 26 transmitters around Slovenia and globally via website. Its output is focused mainly on entertainment, news and commercial music programmes, so it gets the highest daily reach of all RTV radio programmes. VAL202 programmes feature popular Slovene and foreign music, with evening slots dedicated to special thematic shows covering everything from pop to jazz, as well as the latest hits presented by in-house presenters and special guests to the programmes.


VAL202 is Radio Slovenia's more unconventional and casual part of its radio service. The channel's programme operates 24 hours a day and offers information service, talk shows, and various music shows, from classic rock to new, mostly mainstream, electronic music. The target audience is focused on students and young adults but also on elderly listeners. The programme scheme includes politics, business, local and regional news, sports, and a variety of radio shows devoted to music.

According to Radiometrija/Media Pool, Slovenia's most listened-to national public radio stations in 2009 were the Radio Slovenia Second Channel - VAL202 with a 12 per cent audience share, followed by Radio Slovenia First Channel - A1 (RA SLO 1) with a 10 per cent audience share.

Music programme

VAL202's organisational structure comprises three editor teams who are responsible for information and day programmes, music programmes, sport programmes, and evening programmes.

The music programme plays an important role within the broadcast, it is a part of daily programme scheme with different radio shows (Izštekani [Unplugged] with host Jure Longyka, highlighting live acoustic performances of Slovene music groups, Stop Pops 20, Popevka tedna, where the audience votes for their favourite pop song(s) of the week, Glasba svetov, highlighting folk and ethno music from around the world that rarely gets airplay on other stations, Express, offering a sneak peek of the latest music from Slovenia and abroad, etc.). Many of the shows have an archive of past editions available for online listening.

See also

External links


Radio Slovenija 2 - Drugi program - VAL 202 +
Radio Slovenija 2 - Drugi program - VAL 202 +
SI-1550 Ljubljana +
Tavčarjeva 17 +
VAL202, the Second Channel of Radio Slovenia, is broadcast via 26 transmitters around Slovenia and globally via website. +
VAL202, the Second Channel of Radio Slovenia, is broadcast via 26 transmitters around Slovenia and globally via website. +
+386 / 1 475 2202 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1550 +
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